The UPV will boost the competitiveness of Valencian companies

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The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), through the Production Management and Engineering Research Center (CIGIP), is participating in a European project to reduce the costs of interoperability of companies and increase their competitiveness. In this way, the Production Management and Engineering Research Center (CIGIP) of the UPV is participating in the INTEROP European network of excellence, whose objective is to increase the competitiveness of SMEs in the EU, including those from Valencia, in the global economy, they noted..

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As they explained, this project focuses on improving interoperability between companies and organizations “as a fundamental element to compete in an increasingly globalized market.”

The director of CIGIP, Francisco Cruz-Lario, highlighted that the current demands of the globalized economic market “require that companies collaborate among themselves and that the exchange of information, software and other business applications be as efficient and fast as possible, and at the least cost”.

“Thus, through this project, the aim is to investigate and develop new methodologies and technological tools and transmit new standards to companies so that, using them, they can exchange all types of information,” they noted.

In this sense, they stated that companies will be able to know, for example, the sales planning of their clients, the supply possibilities of their suppliers or the evolution of market demand without the need for each of the companies to have the same. work software.

The research of these new standards will be developed around a virtual laboratory, the INTEROP V-LAB, structured in a series of work teams or ‘Poles’ of a geographical nature. Among them is the Polo Valenciano, of which the CIGIP of the UPV is a part, together with researchers from the Universitat Jaime I of the technological institutes AIDIMA, AINIA and ITI.

On the other hand, the same sources stated that the development of this project acquires “greater” importance in the Valencian Community, where SMEs, which represent close to 90 percent of the business fabric, “barely interact with each other and, if they do, It’s very basic.”