Visit to the production management and engineering research center (CIGIP)
What does the “Production Management and Engineering Research Center” (CIGIP) work on with potential applicability to VALMETAL and FEMEVAL companies? How can a company collaborate with CIGIP?
09:00 Presentation of the day. What can the UPV do for the company?
09:10 What does the “Production Management and Engineering Research Center” (CIGIP) work on with potential applicability to VALMETAL and FEMEVAL companies?
- Operations Management, Supply and Distribution Chain Management and Business Modeling and Engineering. In particular:
- Analysis and Design of Decisional Systems. Advice on ERP Software Selection
- Development of the Order Management Process in a Company and/or Supply Chain/Direction
- Production/Operations in a context of uncertainty.
- Design of advanced production scheduling systems in complex environments (relationships between resources, size, dynamism, uncertainty, etc.).
- Modeling and simulation of production processes to help select alternatives based on the observation of the dynamic evolution of the system and the results obtained.
- Expert systems for demand forecasting. PROGNOS
- Programming ad-hoc algorithms for optimization.
09:40 A vision of the most important innovations in production and supply chain management of interest to the business sector. Trends to take into account.
- Virtual Factory Open Operating System. Marketplace of an operating system led by the European industry and focused on the industrial sector. The availability of operating systems, software development kits, free or low-cost software, and marketplaces accelerate the implementation of solutions for the management of production and operations in the industry.
- Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET). Development of Cloud tools for the optimization of Manufacturing Networks composed mainly of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and their logistics assets by collaboratively managing demand, production and supply plans.
- Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing (FITMAN). Development of collaborative tools based on FIWARE technology “open source software ecosystem and public libraries” that facilitate and reduce the cost in the generation of intelligent applications for any sector. Especially intended to manage large volumes of information on the network so that all those people involved in the management of product design and development work together, online, from anywhere in the world.
10:15 How can a company collaborate with CIGIP?
Example of relationships with companies.Training offer in mastersMaster’s Degree in Advanced Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering (MUIAPLCS)Master’s Degree in Organization and Logistics Engineering (MUIOL)Advice/realization of R+D+i projectsStudents in internships/master’s final projects based on business needs.
10:45 Networking coffee.
11:15 to 12:30 Optional Matching One to one companies/researcher. Bilateral meetings in private, company/researcher to analyze specific aspects of interest that require privacy.
- Day date: 04/12/2018
- Starts: 09:00
- Ends: 1:00 p.m.
- Maximum capacity: 20
- Address: CAMINO VERA, 14
- Population: VALENCIA
- Postal code: 46022
- Telephone: 963877100
- Email: