I-ESA 2012 (6th international conference)
Edition: 6th International conference on Interoperability for Enterprises systems and applications
Date: 20-23 marzo 2012
Place: Valencia
URL: http://www.aidima.es/iesa2012/
I-ESA’12 (Interoperability of enterprise systems and their applications) is the sixth Conference after the first five experiences carried out with great success: Geneva (2005), Bordeaux (2006), Madeira (2007), Berlin (2008 ) and Coventry (2010), as well as a special edition developed in Beijing (2009). I-ESA has already established itself as a key event in Europe in the field of business interoperability and an excellent opportunity to present and exchange leading research experiences in this field.
The I-ESA’12 Conference was held from March 20 to 23, 2012 and was organized by the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability, with the International Federation for Information Processing and the International Federation of Automatic Control as sponsors of the event and with the collaboration of AIDIMA. The I-ESA’12 edition had the participation of 119 attendees, according to their different registration alternatives.
Two days of pre-conference were held, March 20 and 21, 2012, in which a Doctoral Symposium and 13 Workshops were held, as well as the meeting of the Working Group 5.8 Enterprise Interoperability of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). The Conference took place on March 22 and 23, 2012, in which oral presentations were presented in different sessions as well as different plenary presentations with prestigious guest speakers.
Pre-conference: March 20-21, 2012
- Doctoral symposium: The symposium brought together different doctoral students who showed their latest advances in their Doctoral Thesis work on Business Interoperability to receive feedback from experts in the field.
- Workshops: Specialized sessions in areas related to Business Interoperability in which speakers presented their latest research. 13 Workshops were held with a total of 58 presentations that gave rise to a great diversity of debates and round tables on the current state of Business Interoperability.
- Meeting of the IFIP WG 5.8 working group: In parallel to the doctoral symposium, on March 20, the annual meeting of the Working Group 5.8 Enterprise Interoperability of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) was held, in which its different participants defined new lines of research regarding the area of Business Interoperability as well as future work to be developed
Conference: March 22-23, 2012
- Opening ceremony: The ceremony was presided over by the Vice-Rector for Research of the Polytechnic University of Valencia: Amparo Chiralt, as well as by the Presidents of the Conference: Professor Raúl Poler (Polytechnic University of Valencia) and Professor Emeritus Guy Doumeingts (Universitat Politècnica de València) of Bordeaux) (Fig. 5).
- Plenary sessions: By 5 prestigious guest speakers
- Gerald Santucci: Head of the “Internet of Things and Future Internet Enterprise Systems” Unit, DG INFSO of the European Commission, (Belgium).
- Howard Manson: Corporate Information Standards Manager, BAE Systems (UK).
- Claudi Guglielmina: Project Director at the Corporate Research Unit of TXT (Italy).
- Michel Byvoet: Founder and CEO of Bivolino (Italy).
- Carmen Marcos: International expert in international projects at the R&D&I Office of the Valencian Community (OPIDI-CV) (IMPIVA), (Spain).
- Sessions: During the conference, 10 sessions were planned where 40 papers were presented. Researchers, academics and professionals showed their research results and experiences.
- Closing ceremony: The general presidents of I-ESA’12 thanked the guest speakers for their attendance as well as the work carried out by the organizing committee. In addition, prizes were awarded for the best presentation of both the Doctoral Symposium and the Conference and it was announced that the next edition will be held in Lille (France) in 2014.